Yonex Astrox 88D Game

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(1 hodnocení)

The Yonex Astrox 88D Game Camel Gold badminton racket is a high-end racket designed for advanced players who are looking for power and precision in their shots. The Astrox 88D Game Camel Gold features a unique frame design with a rotational generator system that helps players generate more power in their shots. The racket has a head-heavy balance and a stiff shaft, providing players with excellent power and control. It incorporates Yonex's advanced technologies, including the Namd and Rexil Fiber... Celý popis

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The Yonex Astrox 88D Game Camel Gold badminton racket is a high-end racket designed for advanced players who are looking for power and precision in their shots. The Astrox 88D Game Camel Gold features a unique frame design with a rotational generator system that helps players generate more power in their shots. The racket has a head-heavy balance and a stiff shaft, providing players with excellent power and control. It incorporates Yonex's advanced technologies, including the Namd and Rexil Fiber materials, which enhance the racket's repulsion power and stability.

The Astrox 88D Game Camel Gold also features a new technology called "Hyper Slim Shaft," which is designed to reduce air resistance and increase swing speed. This technology allows players to hit faster and more precise shots. Additionally, the Astrox 88D Game Camel Gold has an isometric head shape that increases the size of the sweet spot, allowing players to hit more accurate shots even if the shuttle is not hit dead center.

With its combination of power, precision, and advanced technologies, the Yonex Astrox 88D Game Camel Gold is an excellent choice for advanced players who are looking for a high-end racket that can help them take their game to the next level.




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Výrobce Yonex
Hmotnost 86 g
Materiál grafit
Délka 68 cm
Výplet ano
Tuhost středně pružné